You Don’t Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression
How much time, energy, and money are you investing to get new guests in your salon each month? How much time and energy are your guest services spending on phone calls every day? Are they trained in psychology and the inner workings of each stylists’ preferences on your team? Of course not! Yet, we feel the pain of spending marketing dollars to get new clients through our doors, only to read our retention reports and wonder—why aren’t they coming back again?
The answer is, they’re avoiding the pain-point of running into the stylist they saw the first time. They’d rather find a new salon than risk the potential of an awkward run-in with a previous stylist. It wasn’t that the stylist did a bad job at doing their hair—it’s that they just didn’t click with them.
As humans, one of our biggest fears outside of public speaking is rejection. We don’t want to be rejected, nor do we want others to feel rejected by us. We don’t want their feelings to be hurt. It wasn’t that they weren’t a nice person—it was just that we really didn’t connect with them.
We Aren’t Any Different
If we’re being honest with ourselves, we do this all the time too! We turn down another aisle at the grocery store if we’re about to run into someone we just don’t vibe with. We’ll go out of our way to drive to the other side of town for our yoga class so we can steer clear of that one person who drives us up the wall. Ha! Who does this? We all do in different forms.
Why then would we expect guests to think and behave any different?
There’s a Solution
If we can’t change the buyer’s behavior, let’s change their buying process from the beginning. The solution is Meet Your StylistTM — your ultimate digital sales funnel process. Meet Your Stylist is a fun and accurate match-making survey that converts your website visitors into LIFETIME clients.
This unique marketing tool is based on behavioral economics. Which means, when you offer future-guests the opportunity to match with stylists at your salon, you’re giving your stylists the power to say—this is who I do my best work with.
Meet Your Stylist is going to connect your future-guests with the right stylist for their personality, lifestyle, and hair type!
Get a Return on Your Investment
- Spend smart dollars on marketing that will get you clients that will come back repeatedly
- Remove the amount of talk-time your guest services are on the phone
- Empower your stylists to do more of what they love and with whom they love
- Give guests a better online & social media experience with your brand
To learn more about Meet Your Stylist, watch this video!
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